// JavaScript Document var cftp_msg = { "login_btn" : "Login", "update_btn" : "Update", "revoke_btn" : "Revoke", "change_pswd_btn" : "Change Password", "submit_req_btn" : "Submit Request", "change_pswd_dlg_title" : "Change Password", /* Toolbar buttons */ "refresh_label" : "Refresh", "new_folder_label" : "New Folder", "delete_label" : "Delete", "rename_label" : "Rename", "select_label" : "Check All", "unselect_label" : "Check None", "zip_label" : "Zip", "unzip_label" : "Unzip", "change_psw_label" : "Change Password", "update_label" : "Update", /* New Folder Dialog */ "new_folder_dlg_title" : "Create New Folder", "new_folder_btn" : "Create Directory", "validate_name_not_empty" : "The directory name cannot be empty.", /* Rename Dialog */ "rename_dlg_title" : "Rename File or Folder", "rename_file_btn" : "Rename", "validate_ren_from" : "The rename from field cannot be empty.", "validate_ren_to" : "The rename to field cannot be empty.", /* Delete Confirmation Dialog */ "delete_dlg_title" : "Delete the selected items?", "delete_btn" : "Delete", "delete_processing_msg" : "The selected files are being deleted...", /* Unzip Confirmation Dialog */ "unzip_dlg_title" : "Unzip the selected items?", "unzip_btn" : "Unzip", "unzip_processing_msg" : "Your files are being unzipped...", /* Zip Confirmation Dialog */ "zip_dlg_title" : "Zip the selected items?", "zip_btn" : "Zip", "validate_zip_filename" : "The zip file name field cannot be empty.", "zip_processing_msg" : "Your zip file is being created...", "share_dlg_title" : "Share the selected file?", "email_dlg_title" : "Email the selected file?", "email_processing_msg" : "Your email is being sent...", "cancel_btn" : "Cancel", "form_fields_required" : "All form fields are required.", "comm_failure" : "Unable to communicate with the server", "timeout" : "Your session has timed out. Please log in again.", "please_wait" : "Wait...", "dl_perm_file_error" : "User does not have permission to download this file", "dl_perm_folder_error" : "User does not have permission to download files from this folder", "upload_add" : "Add files...", "upload_start" : "Start upload", "upload_cancel" : "Cancel upload", "upload_clear" : "Clear", /* File expansion options */ "share_btn" : "Share", "email_btn" : "Email", "dl_label" : "Download", "last_mod_label" : "Last Modified", "new_window_label" : "New Window", "preview_label" : "Preview", "public_link_label" : "Public link" };